Bravo Greater Des Moines is a small nonprofit that has been a critical regional partner in strengthening the role of arts, culture and heritage in central Iowa. Funded almost entirely by hotel/motel tax revenues generously contributed by seventeen local government partners, Bravo has elevated the region’s cultural landscape for almost 15 years.
Inclusive and Equitable Philanthropy
Bravo has taken a number of steps to enhance their inclusive and equitable philanthropy practices.
For the 2023 grant cycle, Bravo has introduced a panel review process for the operating grants. The panel members include representatives of the Bravo Board, a peer from the cultural community and a cultural consumer or community representative. By introducing the panel process, more diverse perspectives are included in reviewing and scoring applications, which will ultimately impact funding allocations.
In addition to Bravo’s panel review process, all of Bravo's cultural partners will be eligible for operating grants in 2023. This is a continuation of a practice Bravo has used since their inception - unrestricted funds provide necessary and essential support to sustain the cultural sector. Eligible expenses include staff, administration, rent, utilities and any other cost associated with delivering public programming. Bravo provides written guidelines to all applicants that are clear about which application an organization should submit and how much they can generally expect to receive in funding through Bravo’s programs