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Policy Development and Advocacy Promising Practices

Policy Development and Advocacy, for the purposes of this playbook, includes leveraging power to influence local and state policies that lead to equity.

 1. Align your organization’s commitment to policy change with your equity programs



  • Foster an active conversation among your Board and leadership team about the role advocacy plays in supporting your organization’s mission. 

  • Discuss the ways your organization’s advocacy can advance its value of equity.

  • Question how positions you advocate on will affect your direct constituents and the broader community through an equity lens.

  • Give employees paid time off to vote.



  • Affirm the role of the equity lens throughout your organization’s process of establishing policy positions. The process of taking a policy position should be clear and well understood.

  • Take steps to ensure the people participating in its policy formation process are representative of the community it serves.

  • Share information with employees about local, state and federal policy proposals (PCHTF Undesign the Redline), elections, etc.

  • Share stories (real or hypothetical) with policy makers about employees’ needs.



  • Question your organization’s role in the larger power and influence systems operating in your community.

  • Consider your organization’s policy positions in light of whether they will lead to equitable outcomes for disadvantaged communities.

  • Ask whether your policy platform seeks to tweak the system - or make it work for people.


Discovering: Starting journey and creating equity pathways


Exploring: Perfecting the elements and moving the equity needle


Leading: Meeting metrics and scaling equity best practices

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